Community Organization Software

Our Directory Software / Samaj Software includes following features.

The directory would consists of a record of all the people assotiated with the specific community from where you can view the the details and family tree. Also, you can search for the people by blood group, name, surname, mobile number, father name, grand father name, city, state, origin city and occupation.

Family Members / Family Tree
Family tree gives the user a clear idea of the parents and siblings as it is structural representation of all the family members of a perticular person. It will show the person's image with name and link to the personal bio data.

Blood Group Search
You can easily search by typing the blood group into the search box. This exclusive facility can be helpful for connecting with same blood group family.

The user would be able to review the achievements of the people with details such as name, achievement and link to the biodata. The screen would also include a search box so the user can search for the people using keywords. Also, the member can add there own achievements.

Death Note
This screen will show the records of all the people who are no more with the details such as name, image, date died and link to the personel bio.

This feature offers the member to search for people of there community for marriage. Here, the member can search thorough age, age, gender and surname.

Marriage Hall
The screen will show the list of all the marriage halls that is been preferred by the members and it can be searched by the keywords to get the list of mariage halls . The list will show the details such as image, contact no.,name and address.

We have created a separate page for the magazine released by the members. This page would include details like Magazine name, dare released, view option and download option. You can also search for a specific magazine if you would want to on the search box.

The events page will show the list of all the events with the details such as date, event title and other details. The member can also search for the events into the search box.

Birthday / Anniversary Reminder
This feature gives reminder of the important days of the members such as for birthdays and anniversary

Advertise Panel
This is the space for the other advertisement section. The user would see various adds appearing into the home screen

Mandal Registration
This page will consists of a list of mandal names with contacts number and other details. The member can also search through country name and city name. Also, you can add a new mandal using this screen.

Photo Gallery
This is the image gallery with the list of the related images.

Business Search
This is a separate screen for the users who would like to search by business where you can try keywords for business type, occupation, city, state and search

Online Samaj Directory Software - Screenshots